Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to define and implement ethical standards by which all employees shall perform their duties and work in a fair and transparent manner.
Article 2 (Scope)
The Code of Conduct shall be applied to all executives and employees of Myoung-Sung Semitron Co., Ltd.
Article 3 (Terminology)
1) Cash equivalents: cash, gift certificates, marketable securities, goods (gifts) or other economic benefits
2) Receiving entertainment: receiving meals, wining and dining, golfing, public performance/ exhibits, etc.
3) Getting benefits: receiving various supports for events such as transportation, housing or tourism.
Article 4 (Responsibilities and Obligations for Customers)
1) Employees shall honor promises made to customers and carry out all transactions in accordance with sound and fair trade practices.
2) Employees shall do their best to prevent customer complaints (regarding quality, delivery, technical support, etc.) and try to rapidly resolve issues if they take place.
3) Employees shall not provide or leak customer information to outsiders without customers' prior consent.
Article 5 (Fair Performance of Duties)
1) Employees shall perform their duties in a fair manner according to company rules and if the company rules are not available or not clear they should do their best to perform their duties in a transparent and reasonable manner.
2) Employees shall not be engaged in any undue activities, money transactions or asking/receiving favors with related parties.
3) Employees shall not receive entertainment, benefits, gifts or other cash equivalents beyond the socially acceptable level. If it is inevitable, employees shall treat the case transparently by contacting the department in charge of Code of Conduct (Audit Dept.) for advice.
4) Business transactions with competitors or business partners of the Company by running his/her own business, etc.
5) Business transactions with the Company or customers of the Company by himself/herself or using a third party
6) Dual/side job which may impair one's performance at work
Article 6 (Protection of Company Assets and Information)
1) Employees shall not pursue undue interest or benefits either for themselves or for others using the Company's assets or information without official permission.
2) Employees shall not use company properties for person use or get reimbursement for personal expenses.
3) Employees shall not disclose any Company information obtained while performing one's duties without permission.
4) Employees shall not use company IT network for personal purposes (not-business related Internet use, PC communications, etc.)
Article 7 (Sound Working Environment and Social Life)
1) Employees shall create an organizational culture founded on mutual trust and respect. (Privacy shall be respected while any defamation of character, including libel and slander, workplace harassment and sexual assault, including sexual harassment, are prohibited.)
2) As exemplary social members, Employees shall not be engaged in any activities or behavior which might impair dignity of the Company.
3) A superior shall not make undue order to his/her subordinate in violation with the laws and Company rules, and if a subordinate receives such an order, he/she can reject it and shall not receive any undue treatment because of his/her rejection.
4) Employees shall not ask their colleges in charge to provide special favors to a certain party or receive cash equivalents such as gifts, entertainments and benefits in return for giving favors.
※ Reporting scope
1. Matters/actions which impair transparent business or violate the Code of Conduct
2. Illegal activities/ actions
3. Actions/behaviors causing intentional or unintentional damages to the Company
4. Any work related illegal or undue orders
5. Receiving undue benefits such as cash equivalents, entertainment, wining/dining or special favors (if it's not socially acceptable level)
6. Other violations of the Code of Conduct or unethical behaviors by an employee
※ Protection of Whistleblowers
1. Protect his/her position and anonymity
2. Prevent any human resource management related disadvantage due to his/her reporting and actively accommodate request of the whistleblower(s)